1914 Ten Dollar Federal Reserve Note

1914 Ten Dollar Federal Reserve Note Was it printed on hemp paper ? Does it have a picture of hemp harvesting on the back of the bill ? There are multiple websites and posts floating around on social media. Which state, the 1914 Federal Reserve note is printed on hemp paper and has a picture of hemp being harvested on the back side of the bill. I also have visited several CBD stores and dispensaries which have this bill framed and displayed. Here are a couple of examples of the “facts” presented, to justify these claims. Actually much of what they say is true, but there are some issues. This is an example of the things which the sites talk about.... 10$ (1914) was Printed on Hemp Paper and Portrays Farmers Plowing Hemp “The back was designed by Clair Aubrey Huston; Farming, a scene in Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania, was engraved by Marcus W Baldwin; Industry, a mill in Joliet, Illinois, was engraved by HL Charlton. The first day of issue was November 1...