Purple Cannabis


Lyster H. Dewey, 1912 Purple Mutation in cannabis.

“Practically all of the hemp Cannabis sativa cultivated for fiber production in Kentucky and elsewhere in the United States is from seed of Chinese origin. The seed is nearly all grown in a limited area on the bottom lands along the Kentucky River. Hemp is diæcious ensuring cross pollination and since no attempt has been made to select or breed pure strains there has been a general mixing of all the strains introduced resulting in a fairly uniform homogenous type. The foliage of this hemp so far as observed is always a rich dark green color in healthy normal plants.
In 1912 two pistillate plants were found with foliage of a bright purple color in marked contrast to the normal green color. These grew in a small plat of hemp cultivated for seed selection on the Potomac Flats Washington D C. The history of the seed from which this mutation sprang is definitely known for nine generations.”

Bureau of Plant Industry, Issue 113
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, 1913
Pg 23, Lyster H. Dewey, A Purple-Leaved Mutation in Hemp

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