Tetanus, Treated by smoking Hemp


Treatment of Tetanus by smoking Hemp (Ganja) and Tobacco Mix

A.C. Khastagir and John C Lucas recommended smoking hemp as a different delivery method of the medicine for the treatment of Tetanus.

Tetanus is a serious illness caused by Clostridium bacteria. The bacteria live in soil, saliva, dust, and manure. The bacteria can enter the body through a deep cut, like those you might get from stepping on a nail, or through a burn. The infection causes painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over the body. (medlineplus.gov)” Today we usually get a tetanus shot when needed which has eliminated the issue in most countries, but in places there is still an issue….

Dr Khastagir and Dr Lucas found smoking hemp was a better method to deliver the medicine and worked much better on the spasms caused tetanus.

This treatment I know, is mentioned in many books and on many websites. 
I put in pieces of the main papers published by Dr Khastagir and Dr Lucas.  I also put together some of the books and journals in which this treatment option is mentioned.

To me it is very interesting to read the old books to see what they say. 

There is a difference, in the recommendations for ganja and tobacco mix used by the doctors. 

Dr. Khastagir recommends either not using tobacco or just a small amount.
Dr Lucas recommended much more tobacco in the mix.

I really was not able to find much information on either one of these doctors besides what I have found in the books listed….

John C. Lucas, F.R.C.S., M.D. wrote a book called
The Elements of Indian Hygiene
John C. Lucas, Churchill, 1880
He also wrote several letter to the editor -
British Medical Journal, Volume 2
John C Lucas, 1881

Assistant Surgeon A.C. Khastagir --- I found nothing else

A. C. Khastagir  ======================================================

Hemp (ganja) Smoking in Tetanus on a new Principle

Indian Medical Gazette, A.C. Khastagir, pg 210, 1878

The Therapeutic Gazette, Volume 3
Pg 70, Mr Khastagir, Hemp Smoking in Tetanus, 1879

The Practitioner, Volume 22
Pg 57, Khastagir, Hemp smoking in Cannabis, 1879

Saint Louis Clinical Record, Volume 6
Pg 18, Khastagir, Hemp smoking in Tetanus, 1879

The Medical times and gazette, Volume 1
Pg 202, John C Lucas, Notes on Tetanus, Smoking hemp. 1880

Essentials of the Principles and Practice of Medicine: A Handbook for Students and Practitioners
Pg 387, Henry Hartshorne, Tetanus treated, 1881

John C Lucas  ====================================================

The Medical times and gazette, Volume 1
Pg 202, John C Lucas, Notes on Tetanus, Smoking hemp. 1880

The London Medical Record, Volume 8
Pg 186, Dr John C Lucas, Cure of Tetanus by Smoking Hemp, 1880

Medical and Surgical Reporter, Volume 42
Pg 503, Dr John C Lucas, Treatment of Tetanus by Smoking Indian Hemp, 1880

The Epitome: A Monthly Retrospect of American Practical Medicine and Surgery, Volume 1
Pg 331, Dr John C Lucas, Tetanus - Smoking Cannabis Indica, 1880

Bulletin général de thérapeutique, Volume 98
Pg 240, John C Lucas, mentions the Med Times Gaz article, 1880

The Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic, Volume 5

pg 165, John C Lucas, Treatment Tetanus by Smoking Indian Hemp, 1880

Scientific American, Volume 43

pg 25, John C Lucas, Succesful Treatment of Tetanus, 1880

North Carolina Medical Journal, Volumes 9-10  ***
Pg 51, Therapy of Indian Hemp, 1882

The National Druggist, Volume 5
Pg 165, John C. Lucas, Tetanus Treatment Indian Hemp and Tobacco, 1884

A Manual of Practical Therapeutics
Pg 155, Edward John Waring, Tetanus Treatment, 1886

Modern Therapeutics, Medical and Surgical: Volume 1
Pg 223, Lucas, Cannabis Indica, 1893

Report, 1893-94, India. Hemp Drugs Commission

pg 176, Treatment of Disease, 1894

RA Grim Hemp History

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