tsing ma


Chanvre de Chine, Tsing Ma, Cannabis Gigantea

This is a very large cannabis plant with lots of very long weeping branches and long skinny flexible leaves, which produced a very fine fiber and a very fine ornamental plant for the garden.

Tsing Ma - Cannabis Gigantea
(Revue horticole, 23, 1851, pg 109)
Plant description --
"Chinese hemp differs very noticeably from common hemp. Its branches when sown in the open, are longer and more diffuse, drooping a little at the ends, its leaves very long, have much more flexible leaflets, which gives the plant a weeping aspect."

It was grown for fiber in the US and in the garden....

(Southern Cultivator, 13, pg 194)

The Garden, 1876, pg 258, cannabis gigantea

Mixed Alpine Garden layout....

(Descriptive Catalogue, 1869, pg 20, 79) (Amateur Cultivator's Guide, 1869, pg 27)

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